From Standard User to Elevated Administrator: Run Elevated PowerShell Commands with PowerShell Studio and Impersonation
I recently had a request to create a small applet/windows form that would allow regular end users to perform an administrative task. For example, restart the Print Spooler service. We did not want to grant the user any elevated rights, only to give them a program that would allow them to perform the single task and nothing more. PowerShell to the rescue –
Beginning with Windows Vista, the administrator security token split with the standard user token. This means that to perform administrative tasks you must elevate (UAC). Each app that requires the administrator access token must prompt for consent. Using PowerShell Studio I can create my Winform and use an administrator manifest to prompt for elevation, and input either a RunAs account or specify an account to Impersonate as.
The Issue
The problem however, is Windows evaluates manifests prior to RunAs or Impersonation. It will load the manifest before … Continue...